Practically any adult that has a missing tooth wanting to have a replacement
Dental or tooth implant is a dental treatment to replace the root of a tooth. By placing an implant, it will give a solid foundation to put a tooth replacement that can last long. The tooth replacement will usually give the closest feeling to a natural tooth compared to other alternatives.
Dr Firdaus Hanapiah graduated from Univeristy of Otago, New Zealand in 1990. He then continue to pursue his Masters degree and completed it in 1996 where he was also awarded the fellowship in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeon, England.
He has since placed more than 6000 dental implants. Besides being a pioneer in the field of virtual surgery in the surgical placement of implant, he is also currently interested in analysing immediately loaded implants.
Dr Firdaus was also awarded the Fellowship of the International Congress of Implantologist and a member of The International Team for Implantology (ITI)
He is also a registered specialist in the National Specialist Register of Malaysia (NSR) and a member of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia.
Don’t worry! You don’t have to pay the whole amount at once. You can pay by installment during every visit.
There are only 4 simple steps to having a dental implant